Saturday 2 July 2011

My lack of activity :(

Hey guys, I'm sorry this blog has been dead the past 2-3 days, I've just been super busy with work, and rendering vids.. got caught up teaching a few people how to play League of Legends, etc.
Anyways.. I just woke up (at 9:30am) and I had been having a LAN party with DAC (diiizzard) at my house and we were up until like 6:30am so I'm tired as fuck. I'm about to drive for 2 hours up-island to visit my Aunt, but after that I'll be back with nothing to stop me making at LEAST 1-2 blog posts a day :)
Anyways, Just uploaded a new series of shoutcasts so make sure you check that out on my channel ( ).
- LucK

1 comment:

  1. what is the ign of u in gamer can u teach me how to be relly pro pro in game and get killed like 4 or 5 times and kill like 30 40 :D my ign is TheEy6
    or take my yahoo
