I caught up with Mickfly (aka Mickeyes) after the
series and asked him a few questions, this is what he had to say:
iTwAsLucKCF: so
you guys just pugged it out? no real strats?
3$s`mickey: yep
iTwAsLucKCF: what
did you expect going in? win? loss?
3$s`mickey: uhhh
figured it'd be somewhat close. they aren't very good and we suck
[18:50] iTwAsLucKCF: who would you
say their best player is (or player that played the best this series)
3$s`mickey: is
this an interview? LOL
iTwAsLucKCF: ya
3$s`mickey: i'd
have given more serious answers if i knew lOL
3$s`mickey: harvey
is by far their best player
3$s`mickey: but
no one really stood out to me during those games
iTwAsLucKCF: would
you say anyone on your team stood out or kinda took on the role of carry?
3$s`mickey: everyone
probably had their moments, i think i saw fresh clutch atleast a couple times
3$s`mickey: didn't
iTwAsLucKCF: yeah
he had a few great 1v1 wins that I saw, and that 1st round site hold on port
was fantastic
3$s`mickey: word
iTwAsLucKCF: one
last question: If you guys were to rematch and take the matches more seriously
do you think the outcome would change?
3$s`mickey: cf
is pretty random, it's hard to say. it'd probably still be a close game, but i
think we would take it. we could have probably taken it tonight, just had a few
too many fail rounds
Anyways, both teams played decent in my opinion and it was a pleasure to watch / cast.
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