Tuesday, 5 July 2011

xfam0usx bust video

Refer to this:

Here is the situation for all the unintelligent people.
It was like 1am PST and I was talking to famous on xfire and we were both bored so I invited him onto my mumble and we were just talking and hanging out. After a while we loaded up CF and deathstrike, solid, famous, and myself started messing around in pubs. On mexico we decided it would be fun to put our sensitivities to 100 and try get 360kills.

However... lets take some time to examine the horribly stupid comments my video received.

1. "retard, he is obviously training 360's second flip kinda proves that." which was posted by pr3pr0

Now, while it's true that he was intentionally doing the 360's on purpose.... I cannot understand why anyone would EVER possibly "train" doing 360's...
You should understand your mouse sensitivity enough to know how to do a 360 on your very first try. 
2. "wheres the prove that this is famous?" which was posted by ClanProStarZ
Look at his IGN above his head... which you can cross reference with his player profile page OR any montage he has ever made...
Don't see how the basis of "this isn't famous" would work to dispute this "bust vid".
3. "lol so then i could bust you for all the 360 you did in CFFA 2011? (your entry)" posted by ProxMaxHD
Well the thing with my video is that it had several 360's.... all of which were shown in the first person frapsed perspective. I don't think anyone (who has been playing a video game for more than 2 months) would ever think that my video contained any evidence of "hacking".
4. "NOOB!!! xFam0usxx isnt cheater -.- Hes pro,like itWasLuck said,he was practicing something...I UNSUBSCRIBE you because of this shity video...Fck off haters...xFam0usxx is PRO!!!" posted by skyman1609
While it's nice to see fans be loyal to their idols/hero's it's also disheartening to see (a) such flaming, and (b) such blatant disregard for a joke.
5. "rofl man, he's not cheating. thats just an high sensivity in the mouse -_- i know it is a joke u made to him, but u will destroy his reputation lol" posted by EasyStyle96
First off let me start by asking how "high sensivity" would make you do 360's? It would make your model movements faster.... but it wouldn't show your character doing 360's... wtf.
Secondly, it was never my intention to "destroy his reputation". Famous and I have been friends for well over a year now and I wish him no ill or resentment. It was merely a joke, and I made sure that after I had "Trolled" a few people I posted about how it was a joke. Jeez :|
6. "I guess LucK was just kidding and didnt ment this vid serious" posted by kick2faceman
It's nice to see people actually able to use their brain and understand a situation, before jumping in and making false (and generally harsh worded) assumptions. Thank you for not being an idiot kick2faceman.
Anyways in closing, this video is 100% a joke, famous doesn't cheat, we are friends, and I apologize if my video offended you in anyways. Thanks for reading :D

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