Wednesday, 29 June 2011

My Fraps Settings

Well since a lot of people have been asking for them here it is:

I use "\" to record because it's a key I never use (unless I misclick enter while typing which can get annoying) and I've used it for so long that I'm just used to hitting it with my pinkey when I need to.
I cap at 80 frames because while I can get higher... the fps spiking isn't worth it to me so 80 is fine.
Full-size is so the quality isn't disgusting like a toilet-ugly.
I only record my microphone with mouse5 because that is my vent/mumble PTT so that's the only time I would be talking anyways.

The only drawback I can find to these settings is that the files are HUGE and take up multiple GB worth of space :(

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